
Showing posts from October, 2021

Bottled Air Company on Rise

          In this day and age with all the pollutants in the air, it’s a good idea to have something that you can go to for that clean crisp breathe of fresh air. That is why bottled air companies air on the rise and seem to be popping up everywhere. The options might seem immense and overwhelming, but there is a clear winner among them and that is sky vial . This company has been packaging air since the 1950’s for scientific studies, but now they have branched into the commercial world offering a variety of options for bottled air enthusiasts. They specialize in their trusted and proven method of sealing in the elements that make air feel crisp and refreshing without any chemical or processed scent. They pride themselves in sourcing only from the finest airs such as Himalayan Mountain range. Their patented technology allows them to store the air and store it for a long time. How long? Well one of their best-selling products is 15-year-aged-air that proven to have a more concentrated a